Scots Property Law, Souvenir Plot Ownership & Social Media at its Best

February 15, 2015

It’s one of the best examples of the Scottish legal profession (and indeed other lawyers from around the world) using social media to come together to clarify a point of law and shine light on misleading marketing. What happened? “If you do not understand how land can be sold in Scotland, ask a Scottish lawyer” […]

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The End of Early Release for Prisoners in Scotland – A Fairer Administration of Justice?

February 14, 2015

Long-term prisoners in Scotland will no longer be up for automatic early release after serving two thirds of their sentence. First minister Nicola Sturgeon announced the change to the current criminal justice system for automatic early release of all prisoners serving more than four years. It was stated that where a parole board deemed it […]

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Greater Number of Scottish Court Cases To be Filmed – Will this be beneficial?

January 30, 2015

New proposals outlined by Lord President, Lord Gill mean that filming of some court cases for TV could now be permitted. Lord Gill, Scotland’s most senior judge has stated he will issue guidance on the televising of court proceedings and that any approved filing will be “subject to robust, clear and comprehensive guidelines”. Lord Gill […]

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How Scottish Trust Deed Legislation Has Changed

January 29, 2015

It can be a very difficult and confusing time for many people who are struggling with debt as they search for the right solution to try to get out of debt as quickly as possible. Scottish Protected Trust Deeds are one option that residents in Scotland may wish to consider as a means to clear […]

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The Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill – Better Safe Than Sorry?

January 19, 2015

Both Police Scotland and legal experts have said that if the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill is to be introduced in Scotland, greater clarity must be provided in order to prevent the risk of someone being prosecuted. The Assisted Suicide Bill would give people in Scotland whose lives have become insufferable as a result of a […]

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Upcoming CPD Seminars: Civil Litigation Reforms / Buying & Selling Land for Development in Scotland

January 18, 2015

Looking for extra CPD hours? Needing to top up your team’s knowledge and expertise? These civil litigation and commercial property seminars in Scotland may be of particular interest to you:- Civil Litigation Reforms – Are You Ready for 1 April? (Glasgow, 2 March 2015) Buying & Selling Land for Development in Scotland (Glasgow, 3 February […]

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Drink Driving in Scotland – Problems When the Law Outpaces Technology

December 17, 2014

Traditionally, the law is subject to much criticism and commentary for being unable to keep up with the rapid advancement of technology. However, the introduction of the new drink driving limits in Scotland have seen quite the opposite. The law in this area has advanced, yet the technology used to record drink drive readings has […]

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World’s End Murder Trial – Finding the Balance in Double Jeopardy

November 20, 2014

Angus Sinclair was given the longest sentence in UK history after finally being convicted of the murder of two women carried out in 1977 at the World’s End pub in Edinburgh. He is considered to be Scotland’s most prolific killer, and the case has revolutionized the Scottish criminal system. After his trial collapsed in 2007, […]

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Man ‘Exploited” By Strip Club – Does He Have Any Remedy in Scots Law?

November 14, 2014

A man from Northern Ireland has made claims that he was ‘grossly exploited’ by lap dancing club Spearmint Rhino, after they plied him with alcohol resulting in him spending a third of his salary in one night. The man who will not be named, spent £7,500 at the club in August last year during a […]

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November Legal Seminars For Scottish Law Firm Partners & Solicitors: 10% Off

November 7, 2014

We are pleased to note that alongside one of the UK’s leading law firm consultants, Stephen Gold, our founder Gavin Ward and director of Moore Legal Technology, Chris Davidson, are presenting at an upcoming Law Society of Scotland event in Glasgow later this month. (26 November 2014) For 3.5 hours of CPD at an event […]

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